Mysterio (From Spider Man Far From Home)


As an employee at Stark Industries, Quentin Beck prided himself on working on various technologies with Tony Stark. Beck designed and invented the B.A.R.F. prototype, but Stark fired him for his unstable nature. An embittered Beck took advantage of news of his employer's death in the Battle of Earth, seeking to masquerade as a superhero with advanced projector drones, and an advanced suit of armor with a helmet to shield his identity. Beck used the Elementals to cause massive destruction across Europe, only to "defeat" them himself to fool the world into idolizing him.

This plan would succeed for some time, with people such as Flash Thompson giving him praise and Brad Davis calling him "Iron Man and Thor rolled into one," implying how powerful he truly is without knowing that his true nature would require the attention of Spider-Man, "Nick Fury" and "Maria Hill." An incredible liar, Beck convinced the trio into joining forces with him with a story about the Elementals and his life as a superhero from an alternate dimension after his entire family perished, all to further his plan.

While portraying himself as a superhero, Beck managed a selfless and kind front, appearing to risk his life to protect innocents and allies. Beck would also become somewhat of a father figure to Peter Parker, showing sympathy for his desires for a normal life and advising Parker to think about what he wants, rather than following other people's expectations. This led Parker to see Beck as a role model and trust him enough to give him control of E.D.I.T.H..

However, beneath Beck's superhero guise lies an egotistical, vain, fame hungry and manipulative narcissist who would stop at nothing to get what he wants. While Beck may show some camaraderie to his crew that helped him become Mysterio, Beck is a dangerous perfectionist who would not hesitate to murder them for the smallest missteps. Beck also cares less about civilian casualties caused by his performances than the attention he would receive for them, expressing giddy excitement at staging an "Avengers-level threat," nonchalantly watching Parker get hit by a bullet train, and plotting to kill high school students who knew of his chicanery.

Beck accentuated his disregard for people in the illusions he conjured during his first fight with Peter; one such illusion featured him choking MJ and throwing her from the Eiffel Tower, manipulating Parker's feelings for her and fears for her safety. Beck created a dark, terrifying, and foggy theme of illusions that terrified Parker, locking him inside an illusion of a snow bowl of New York with Avengers Tower and causing an illusion of Mysterio's giant arm to fall on him.

Beck grew much more desperate and blood-lusted in his second confrontation with Parker, unleashed all of his destructiveness to ensure his plan's success; but his lack of emotional stability brought him down, as he turned against E.D.I.T.H.'s advice, only to be riddled with his own drones' gunfire. Yet Beck was partially successful in his malice, as he leveraged his still-heroic image to expose Spider-Man's true identity and frame him for a mass murder that never happened making him go down as a great hero.

Powers and Abilities


  • Holographic Projection: Beck had access to a wide range of advanced realistic holographic projectors controlled by William Ginter Riva's drones, which he had then used to make illusions of the Elemental attacks, and him stopping them. With the drones, he could cause real damage, and real casualties, which made the public believe that the illusions were real. Beck's Holograms extended to showing an extension of himself as Mysterio as well, the entire battle between him and the Elementals being pre-made before then being unleashed on the public. Beck was able to trap Spider-Man in an elaborate maze of illusion, showing him horrific visions, such as Mysterio dropping Michelle Jones from the top of the Eiffel Tower, and a zombie Iron Man crawling with spiders attacking Spider-Man. Beck then attacked Spider-Man with an illusion of a giant Mysterio in full armor.


  • Genius-Level Intellect: Quentin Beck is very intelligent, with his intellect having secured himself a job at Stark Industries. Beck was a principal developer of the technology that would later be appropriated by Stark, who rejected his views on how the technology should be utilized and instead used it as the framework for what he would call B.A.R.F.. Beck displays his technical skills in the development of illusions and skillful applications of advanced drones, skills so refined that they are even capable of fooling intergalactic beings such as Talos and Soren, as well as the majority of the public who witness his acts of "heroism." Beck also masterminded his entire plan, which came close to succeeding, and in a way did, as after exposing Spider-Man, the public believed that he was the real hero.
  • Master Scientist: While working with Tony Stark, Beck proved to have uncanny skills in science, using them all to develop B.A.R.F. and used his scientific knowledge to develop the drones.
  • Master Engineer: During the process of transforming into Mysterio, Beck used his engineering skills to create the suit and the helmet which would defend his identity secretive from the rest of the world.
  • Master Tactician: Beck's adaptability intense situations allows him to adjust the spin of the story on the fly. This is most evident when Beck made Parker believe Fury saved him, only to effortless coerce information of who else could know of Beck's deception. Even as Spider-Man revealed his illusions, Beck turned the story of his reported death into martyrdom by having William Ginter Riva edit the London footage to make it seem as though Parker commanded the drone attack and killed Beck, just to turn Spider-Man into a public enemy.



  • Stark Industries Combat Drones: Beck has used combat drones that were made by Stark Industries in order to project holograms of the Elementals and to control them to carry out his plan, but also to wreak havoc across London when fighting Spider-Man, who was on the urge of destroying his drones for his fraudulence. The drones were equipped with cloaking devices so that no one would see them within the illusions that Beck's crew had created.
  • Illusion Projectors: The drones were also equipped with special hologram projectors that created the Elementals and showed Mysterio flying and using his powers. They could also project their cloaking effect on their surroundings, making their targeted subject invisible, in which Beck used them to attempt to hide from Spider-Man while he kept being tricked into being in the real world.
  • Heckler & Koch P30: Beck carried a handgun as a last resort during the Battle of London, in case he needed it. Once he was almost defeated, Beck created an illusion of himself lying on the floor, and then he tried to shoot Spider-Man in the head. However, Spider-Man was able to use his Spider-Sense to grab Beck's arm, make the shot miss and disarm him.

Other equipments

  • B.A.R.F.: While working as an engineer at Stark Industries, Beck used his technology and science skills to create holographic projection technology, powerful enough to create realistic illusions. However, the technology was renamed B.A.R.F. by Tony Stark, who opted to use Beck's illusion technology for his own therapeutic purposes, much to Beck's displeasure.
  • Mo-Cap Suit: Beck has utilized a motion-capture suit to outsmart "Nick Fury" and Spider-Man in the illusions that he has created. Beck used it to manipulate the holograms of his persona and to have his suit projected onto him for complicated shots, like him putting on or taking off his helmet.
  • Mysterio Suit: Beck wore a suit specifically designed by Janice Lincoln to look heroic and otherworldly to best suit his plans. Beck wore it whenever he didn't need to fly or other such feats, like talking to someone that is in the same room with him.
  • Tony Stark's Glasses: A pair of sunglasses that belonged to Tony Stark and equipped with E.D.I.T.H. Beck used the sunglasses to command his Combat Drones to kill Spider-Man and later command them to kill off his friends that were hiding away from a vault in London.
  • E.D.I.T.H.: An A.I. designed by Tony Stark for Peter Parker which provided the user with access the Stark satellite network in an augmented reality interface with advanced data analysis and hacking capabilities. Parker granted access to E.D.I.T.H. to Beck which he used to increase the efficiency of his illusions and even detail Parker's friend's personal information and their location through security feed.
