MCU'S Spider Man


This wiki page is based on MCU'S Spider Man Homecoming, Far From Home and No way home

"Truth is... that this is all my fault. I accidentally brought those dangerous people here. And if those people are watching... just know that I really did try to help you. I mean, I could've killed you. At any given moment, but I didn't. Because my Aunt May taught me that everyone deserves a second chance." ― Spider-Man

Early Life

Peter Benjamin Parker was born in Queens, New York City on August 10, 2001. Since his childhood, the young Parker was raised by his loving aunt May Parker and uncle Ben Parker, the latter of whom died later in his life. In 2010, Parker visited the Stark Expo and acquired toy replicas of the Iron Man helmet and glove, as well as Tony Stark's autograph. During his second visit, Hammer Drones sent by Ivan Vanko began attacking the expo, prompting Stark, the host, to fight them as Iron Man. One drone had landed in front of Parker, who held his hand up in defiance and aimed his toy repulsor at the suit. Iron Man arrived shortly thereafter and annihilated the drone, thanking Parker for his help before flying off to continue his battle, leaving Parker awestruck.

Becoming Spider Man

In his teens, Parker attended Midtown School of Science and Technology, where he quickly became best friends with his classmate Ned Leeds, and the target of bullying from Flash Thompson. Parker also became acquainted with Michelle Jones (MJ), who often teased him, and developed a crush on Liz Allan, a popular senior.

At the age of fourteen, Parker was bitten by a spider and acquired superhuman powers, including strength and speed proportional to that of a spider and an uncanny ability to adhere to walls.[7] Resolving to use his abilities to help those in need, Parker developed his own synthetic web fluid and Web-Shooters to use when battling criminals in New York City as the masked superhero Spider-Man. To keep his identity as Spider-Man a secret, Parker maintained an unassuming lifestyle, refusing to join the football team or do anything he would not have done before.

Powers and Abilities


  • Spider Physiology: After Peter Parker was bitten by a spider, he gained the proportionate physical capabilities of a spider. With his newfound heightened abilities, Parker deliberately holds back from participating in sports to avoid being suspicious, such as football due to having a superhuman advantage. Despite his restrictions, Parker is still shown to be athletic and even received commendation from Coach Andre Wilson for his participation in Captain America's Fitness Challenge.

  • Superhuman Strength: Spider-Man possesses considerable superhuman strength, due to it being the proportional strength of a spider. Although he is relatively untrained, his strength alone is sufficient enough to catch a 1.5-ton car that was moving at 40 miles an hour when it was just inches away from hitting a bus, and he claimed to Ned Leeds to be able to move a bus with his bare hands. He was also able to casually overpower the Winter Soldier and his cybernetic arm, pushed Captain America to his limits for a prolonged period of time, breakthrough a bulletproof glass window with only a few blows, lift up rows of school lockers, slightly topple a gigantic Ant-Man, as well as to support the weight of a jet bridge, and was even able to lift a considerable portion of concrete roof that Vulture had collapsed on top of him, though both feats visibly strained him. During the Black Order's arrival in New York, Parker was able to catch Cull Obsidian's hammer moments before it struck Iron Man, and swing a car at Cull Obsidian. His strength is sufficient enough to stagger Thanos, though he was outmatched and subdued swiftly when facing the Mad Titan on his own. Parker's strength helped him overcome Mysterio's Drones. He was able to punch and kick through them with ease while simultaneously dismembering mechanical components to use them to his advantage in a sophisticated fashion. He was able to hold and slightly pull together a Ferry cruise boat before Iron Man come to assist him. During the Ambush in Berlin, he punched a depression into a concrete wall. Peter can also easily hold the case containing his suit with one arm, whereas a grown man like Happy Hogan struggled to lift it up with both arms. His incredible strength also allowed him to knock out Flash Thompson with only a slap even though he was completely unintentional. Parker was able to viciously and relentlessly hit Green Goblin, staggering him with each blow and knocking him to the ground, as well as lifting him up completely and slamming him down with considerable force.

  • Superhuman Durability: Spider-Man's body is inhumanly resistant towards impact forces and blunt force trauma, as he has taken a punch from Winter Soldier and a spinning air kick from Captain America without any serious injuries. Additionally, Spider-Man easily endured a collision with a metal beam while being dragged by Falcon's Redwing flying at full force and a strike from Captain America's Shield, as well as being backhanded by a gigantic Ant-Man, falling unharmed from several stories in the process. Parker only sustained a black eye from the entire Clash of the Avengers and was able to pass it off as a result of bullies at school while telling his Aunt May. Moreover, Spider-Man survived being dragged from a speeding van and endured hits from garbage bins and stacks of bricks, withstand multiple blows from the Shocker's Gauntlet unharmed, as well as Vulture collapsing a considerable portion of a concrete roof on top of him, with only minor injuries. Parker was even able to withstand a blow from the tremendously strong Thanos while wearing the Iron Spider Armor. However, according to Karen, even Spider-Man would most likely not survive a fall from the top of the Washington Monument. He later survived a plane crash and a fall from the inside of an elevator shaft while only being incapacitated, which he recovered from faster than a human would. While Spider-Man followed Ebony Maw's chase for Doctor Strange and the Time Stone, Parker was unfazed by the various objects flung at him by Maw, even shaking off a direct collision with a billboard, resuming his pursuit. Parker could endure a car being blasted at him from a combat drone as well as a missile with mild discomfort. Parker was also able to survive a high speed train heading towards him, and manage to survive with only minor injuries and mildly nauseated, though he did require some of his injuries be stitched up by Happy Hogan. Despite this, he was able to function at full capacity, enough to battle a multitude of Mysterio's drones with his great agility and strength. He was also able to resist all the blows that Green Goblin had inflicted on him at Happy apartment.

  • Superhuman Speed: Spider-Man can run and move much faster than an ordinary human and is adept at dodging quickly. Spider-Man was also quick enough to catch up to a speeding vehicle on foot. His speed has allowed him to casually catch the Winter Soldier's bionic arm before it could even punch him. During the Avengers Civil War, Spider-Man was able to easily outrun both Black Widow and Black Panther and avoid Wanda Maximoff's telekinetic attacks, as well as dodge many of the blasts fired at him by Star-Lord when he fought him on Titan and dodge rapid gunfire from Mysterio's horde of combat drones.

  • Superhuman Agility: After Spider-Man gained his powers, he became as agile as a spider, being able to make movements that would be extremely difficult for a normal human with great facility, capable of swinging around on thin spider-webbing and jumping great distances and heights without difficulty. His bones, muscles, and joints have more elastic strength and durability, allowing him to perform gymnastic and contortionist maneuvers without damaging his bone structure. Spider-Man can leap much higher than a normal human, enabling him the ability to jump and leap to a height of several stories in a single bound, and easily capable of jumping and leaping from one building over a street to the next. He used his agility to outmaneuver and beat both Winter Soldier and Falcon, dodge most of Vulture's attacks and even dodge the many cars that Wanda Maximoff telekinetically hurled at him. Spider-Man's mobility was proven to be beneficial for going up against opponents such as Cull Obsidian and Thanos. It was also extremely favorable during Parker's swift movement to prevent a large amount of debris from falling upon civilians during Hydro-Man's attack on Venice, as well as his graceful traversal around the city to meet up with his love interest, Michelle Jones. Spider-Man possesses the ability to achieve a state of perfect equilibrium in any position imaginable. He seems able to adjust his position by instinct, which enables him to balance himself on virtually any object, no matter how small or narrow. He could easily have done a back flip when a car was thrown behind him by Doctor Octopus.

  • Superhuman Stamina: Spider-Man's advanced musculature produces fewer fatigue toxins during physical activity than an ordinary human. This allows him to exert himself physically for much longer periods of time before fatigue begins to impair him.

  • Superhuman Reflexes: On several occasions it has been shown that Spider-Man possesses reflexes far beyond the capabilities of normal humans. In conjunction with his Spider-Sense, Parker is able to easily dodge full auto gunfire in point blank range from numerous invisible drones with his eyes closed during his battle with Mysterio. Spider-Man also possesses a heightened sense of equilibrium which greatly enhances his balance and coordination.

  • Enhanced Senses: Spider-Man's senses are greatly enhanced, with him describing them as being "dialed to eleven". Hence, Parker is able to sense potentially dangerous things shortly before they occur. For example, if an object is being thrown at Spider-Man, he will usually be aware of it, even if it is hurled from far away and he is facing the opposite direction. His senses are so developed that before mastering his own powers, he was forced to reduce his sensorial input by wearing dark goggles to prevent it from handicapping him in a battle.

    • Spider-Sense: Spider-Man has shown an extrasensory awareness of impending danger,[24] known as his "Spider-Sense,"[17] a sixth sense, "Peter-Tingle" or simply "tingle." His brain intakes and responses to stimuli at an accelerated rate, acting as a precognitive ability to sense potential or immediate danger. This awareness thus implies some kind of intelligence, capable of parsing Spider-Man's surroundings, identifying and critically evaluating a potential threat at a subconscious level, thus alerting Spider-Man of dangers he cannot readily notice at first, allowing him to effectively dodge and counter incoming attacks in combat, including projectiles aimed at him even from a blind spot. Provided with his extraordinary speed and wall-crawling, the Spider-Sense is sufficiently well-linked to his superhuman kinesthetics and reflexes, and it permits Spider-Man to evade all manner of spontaneous dangers by an evidently instinctual exercise of some uncanny reflex. It also gives him omnipresent detection to his surroundings, which is how he web swings without looking where he shoots his webs with ease. This was also demonstrated when Parker was able to catch the small cartridge of web fluid tossed to him by Tony Stark, even though he was facing away from him. This ability also doesn't seem to work on individuals Parker doesn't subconsciously consider threats, like his Aunt May. During the Clash of the Avengers, he sensed the bench that Winter Soldier had hurled at him while he fought Falcon. During the Ambush at the Staten Island Ferry, he sensed someone coming his way and, without looking, incapacitated him with a web grenade. Later, he was also able to dodge Vulture's Exo-Suit at full speed, effectively maneuvering in close quarters at a high rate of speed. However, as his enhanced reflexes directly correspond to his sensory input, he can be rendered vulnerable to attacks if his senses are overloaded, such as during his final fight with Vulture. Spider-Man also, despite his incredible reflexes, can be caught by surprise should he allow himself to get distracted, as seen when he was ensnared by Redwing's grapple line due to his excitement during the Clash of the Avengers. While on a bus during a field trip, Parker was able to sense Ebony Maw's Q-Ship descending on New York City, despite being miles away from the site. He is also susceptible to attacks if he does not have sufficient time to elude the attack. After crash-landing the Q-Ship on Titan, Spider-Man was able to sense a threat was going to happen before warning Iron Man and Doctor Strange. His senses had also warned him of his impending demise at the hands of Thanos moments before he began to fade away. When Parker was attempting to explain that Mysterio is a fraud, he sensed the presence of imminent danger, before it physically appeared. Furthermore, Parker's Spider-Sense outwardly possesses a directional component and can guide him to or away from concealed danger and disguised enemies, such as using his senses to elegantly dodge and attack the invisible Stark Industries Combat Drones that were heading towards him. After Spider-Man defeated all of the drones, when Mysterio gestured the glasses to him, his senses warned him of the real Mysterio cloaked beside him with a gun to his head, allowing him to anticipate Beck's murder attempt, and countered immediately. He was able to react and prepare to catch a brick hurled into the Parker Residence towards him, though Matt Murdock was able to catch it first due to him being closer to the window. His awareness is so powerful that, even when Strange separated him from his physical form, his body reacted to keep the Macchina di Kadavus away from him. His Spider-Sense was also visible around his astral form's head. Parker was able to sense when the Green Goblin took over Osborn, having honed his Spider-Sense to the point that it went into overdrive, with all surrounding voices drowning out and allowing him to focus, being able to hear the heartbeats of everyone in the room. He was even able to sense that whatever threat was upon him would eventually kill Aunt May, as she was the first person that he worried about when his Spider-Sense got triggered, this ultimately was proven to be right. This has shown that not only was Parker able to sense danger coming towards others, mainly the ones he cared about, but also his precognitive ability ranged from a few seconds to more than a few minutes before the threat happened. Later, Parker and the other Spider-Man's variants was able to sense the villains arrival at the same time. Parker was also able to catch the Anti-Goblin Serum pitched to him by Peter-Three, even though he was facing away from him.
  • Regenerative Healing Factor: Spider-Man's increased metabolism allows him to rapidly heal and regenerate from harm faster and more extensively than normal humans can recover from. He was able to rapidly heal from a black eye from Giant-Man after nearly a day had passed. After suffering multiple wounds from his fight with Vulture, Parker's scars were fully healed in a matter of hours. He similarly recovered in mere hours from many bruises and cuts he gained during the Battle of Earth, after Sanctuary II opened fire on the battlefield and then during Mysterio's ambush on him, in which he was repeatedly attacked by Stark Industries Combat Drones disguised with holographic illusions and then being struck at full force by a speeding train after being lured into its path by the illusions. He was capable of healing several broken ribs from his fight with Green Goblin in a matter of hours.

  • Wallcrawling: Spider-Man can adhere to walls, ceilings, and other surfaces in order to scale them and has stated that he does not use any adhesive gloves or fabrics to do it. This ability allows him to stick to any surface when willing himself to, as physical contact with said surfaces creates a locking connection necessary to support his body, even when he is inverted above the ground. Alternatively, Parker could make individual portions of his body adhesive, which allowed him to stick his foot onto the chest of a bank robber to fling him into a wall. He was able to have a car stick onto his hand and easily lifting as well without required strong grip when fighting against armies of drones lead by Mysterio.

  • Web Generation: Through the use of his Web-Shooters, Spider-Man is able to project a substance similar to a spider's web. The web's tensile strength and adhesive properties allow him to use the webs for a variety of purposes, from swinging between buildings to restraining his enemies.

Iron Spider Armor Capabilities

When recruited by Iron Man, Parker was gifted with an armor that is similar to Iron Man's. Although he originally turned it down, he used it during the Battle of Titan, Battle of Earth, and the Battle at the Alexander Hamilton Bridge. The armor is made of nano-technology that forms around Parker's body in order to protect him. The armor has since been merged into his Parker Suit by Doctor Octopus.

  • Superhuman Durability: The armor gives Spider-Man even more durability than his enhanced body has. With the armor, he was able to withstand punches and attacks by none other than Thanos. Nevertheless, the nano-bots can be ripped off with enough force. When Spider-Man battled Doctor Octopus, the latter used a spike and his Tentacles to rip off the nano-bots and leave Parker compromised.
  • Mechanical Limb Generation: The armor contains 4 extra legs with sharp ends that can be used to attack the enemy or stab into the ground in order to keep Spider-Man's balance or footing. He used this method to hold Thanos at bay, with the help of allies, so that they could try to get the Infinity Gauntlet off of his hand. When Parker activated Instant Kill within his armor, his legs pierced every nearby enemy with ease. He also used the legs in a battle against Doctor Octopus. When he was thrown into a car, he used the legs to cut a hole into the roof and climb his way out.


  • Genius-Level Intellect: Parker is a highly intelligent science enthusiast, with aptitudes in chemistry, physics, and engineering. His intellect was praised by some of the smartest people in the world such as Tony Stark himself (who considered him a candidate for MIT) and Quentin Beck (who described Parker as "smart as a whip"). In addition, Parker was a valued member of the Midtown School of Science and Technology academic decathlon team, with Liz Allan claiming that Parker was its most intelligent member and strongest asset in physics and his other teammates being distressed when he briefly dropped out of the team. Parker is also an intellectual rival of Flash Thompson, whom he often effortlessly upstaged in class. Parker is also well-read and good at math, claiming to have "nailed" an algebra test the day Stark recruited him. He managed to swiftly calculate geometrical patterns within the Mirror Dimension to outmaneuver Doctor Strange and trap him. Norman Osborn offered him a position at Oscorp due to his high intelligence and knowledge in various fields.
  • Expert Tactician: Parker draws from pop culture when formulating strategies, notably when he let Iron Man and War Machine know of his plan to tie up Ant-Man's legs, after which they knocked the immobilized giant down. In a similar fashion, Parker devised a plan to rescue Doctor Strange from Ebony Maw by ejecting him out of his Q-Ship through a hull breach. He also uses the laws of physics to his advantage, such as when he used the lift from a SWAT team's helicopter blades to his advantage to get enough momentum to break a window in order to save his classmates. Parker is still relatively inexperienced, however, since he asked Iron Man for advice during the Avengers Civil War, and later consistently asked for Karen's assistance in taking down Vulture and his gang. Following his battles in space against the Guardians of the Galaxy and Thanos, as well as the battle for Earth, Parker seems to have grown in this ability in the eight months following Stark's sacrifice, being able to fight against the highly intelligent Mysterio, circumventing his illusions and ultimately stopping his plans. He swiftly made a plan to coordinate himself and his variants during the battle at Statue of Liberty.
  • Master Scientist: Parker is a brilliant scientist who is highly skilled in various fields of science. He developed a highly advanced chemical compound into a silk-like material (the sophistication of which even impressed Tony Stark), using salicylic acid, toulene, methanol, carbon tetrachloride, potassium carbonate, and ethyl acetate to make it sticky, malleable, load-bearing, strong, hold with extreme amounts of tension and stress, yet have a little stretch to it. He later quickly deduced the composition of Falcon's wings based on their relationship between rigidity and flexibility, despite only witnessing their usage in a short span of time. Parker also has knowledge in physics; he was able to quickly solve a physics problem (calculating linear acceleration between points A and B) with just a glance at the board and is well-versed in the multiverse theory, comprehending that it changes how humans understand the initial singularity due to an eternal inflation system. Parker has two gold medal science awards from his sophomore and junior years of high school.[25] Through the use of his scientific knowledge, Parker was able to successfully create a chemical mixture that undid the mutation of Sandman, permanently curing him of his sand-like appearance. However, he failed to cure the Green Goblin with the first Anti-Goblin Serum, as it was still in the process of being made by the Stark Industries Fabricator.
  • Expert Engineer: Parker has an affinity for working on and building computers, and has become an expert when it comes to creating new technology. As such, he constructed his own web-shooters with over-the-counter materials[18] along with his first Spider-Man Suit and goggles. Furthermore, when deprived of his former suits, Parker managed to take for himself all of Stark's previous designs to create a suit of his own using Stark technology, which caused Happy Hogan to smile as it reminded him of Stark's engineering genius. Parker also quickly understands how to utilize artificial intelligence to his advantage, as his performance with Karen led Stark to entrust him with E.D.I.T.H., a multi-billion dollar augmented reality tactical intelligence system, and he knew how to use his Iron Spider suit to manipulate Doctor Octopus' tentacles. He later fabricated a neural inhibitor chip for Doctor Octopus' mechanical arms using the Stark Industries Fabricator.
  • Master Combatant: After fighting crime for six months, Parker's combat style developed into a somewhat instinctive and improvised collection of techniques that emphasizes the use of his superhuman strength, speed, agility, and Web-Shooters. Hence, Parker uses quick, powerful attacks and agile movements while firing his webs to immobilize his enemies. However, Parker is not skilled in martial arts as his style is self-taught and he often gets distracted while in combat. Despite his inexperience, Spider-Man easily defeated both Falcon and Winter Soldier, two military-trained hand-to-hand combatants, as well as temporarily held his own against the far more experienced Captain America; according to Iron Man, however, Rogers was holding back during that fight and could have beaten Parker easily. Parker also fought against Vulture despite the latter repeatedly besting him in combat. Because of his limited experience, Parker was easily subdued by Shocker during their brawl due to him heavily relying on his Web-Shooters for offensive attacks. Later on, Parker had somewhat improved his skills but remained vastly outclassed by experienced fighters, as shown when he and his allies fought the Guardians of the Galaxy and later when he briefly fought Thanos. While Parker was able to briefly duel the highly skilled Star-Lord, he was quickly subdued by the latter's equipment. Due to his predictable combat style during the Battle of Titan, Thanos defeated Spider-Man in moments after recognizing his attack pattern, but nevertheless Parker managed to stagger him. Furthermore, during the Battle of Earth, Parker was capable of handling group fights with each incoming attack but despite activating the Instant-Kill mode in his suit, he was easily overwhelmed by the sheer number of Outriders that were called for assistance. After the Battle of Earth, Parker seems to have improved as a fighter, but still relied heavily on the Iron Spider Armor, as seen when he went against the Manfredi Crime Family. Against Mysterio and his army of drones, Parker opted to rely on his physical abilities to best him, also taking full advantage of his superior senses and early awareness of danger. He demonstrated further prowess in hand-to-hand combat and grappling against the Green Goblin. He was able to beat the Goblin by utilizing his webs to get him closer and then punching him until he was down.
  • Master Marksman: Spider-Man possesses extremely keen eyesight, and is able to accurately utilize his Web-Shooters to neutralize his targets during his crime-fighting. He was capable of simultaneously ensnaring Captain America's hands and strip him of his shield, mid-air, executing it all at high speed. Parker was also able to precisely shoot a Spider-Tracer onto Herman Schultz's foot across a classroom, and ensnare and latch onto Vulture's Exo-Suit with little effort despite the rig moving at incredible speeds at times, notably during the Hijacking of the Stark Cargo Plane.
  • Master Acrobat: Due to his superhuman agility, Spider-Man can perform acrobatic and gymnastic feats, such as flips, with little effort. Hence, he was able to accurately shoot a string of webbing at Captain America's Shield, then caught it mid-air and land on a vehicle. While wearing the Iron Spider Armor, Parker's coordination is greatly enhanced, allowing him to easily navigate throughout the environment of Titan, rescuing Mantis, Star-Lord, and Drax mid-air while swinging through the obstacles affected by the planet's gravitational distortions, as well as effortlessly dodge plasma blasts from an accomplished marksman like Star-Lord.
  • Multilingualism: Parker is fluent in his native English, as well as some Spanish, studying the language in school with success and being able to understand enough to know a quip Delmar was making about his aunt, May Parker, and then make his own quip about the deli owner's daughter. Parker also knows some Italian, as displayed in his text messages with Ned Leeds before their trip to Europe[9] and when he accidentally spoke the language in Prague.



  • Web-Shooters: A pair of wrist-mounted mechanical devices used by Spider-Man to project synthetic webbing. Parker invented the first pair while Tony Stark created a new and improved pair to go along with his new suit. Though, this new pair supplied by Stark merely involved technological improvements and a few new features while the overall mechanics and webbing itself Stark did not attempt to replace. The upgraded Web-Shooters come with selective web types and a laser targeting system for accuracy. Parker finds the amount of possible Web-Shooter combinations Stark included to be excessive.
  • Synthetic Webbing: Created by Peter Parker himself, this web-like organic chemical substance is meant to emulate the silk created by the common spider, while its composition and tensile strength are substantial enough to greatly impress Tony Stark himself. This synthetic spider silk is used by Parker to help swing around New York City, bind and tie up enemies, steal weapons, and make other useful applications. Spider-Man combines this synthetic web with agile movements to dodge enemy attacks and often targets the enemies' arms and legs to break their balance and immobilize them. The chemical compound was so durable that both Captain America and Winter Soldier had trouble breaking it, despite their enhanced strength. Parker can also fabricate his web compound with ordinary school chemicals used while in chemistry classes. According to himself, the webs take about two hours to dissipate. The latest formula developed is his 3.01 version.

Other equipment

  • Spider-Man Suit: Parker originally wore a handmade suit while operating on the streets of New York City. Nothing more than a red hoodie, blue sweats, and a pair of goggles, this suit was created with the intention to help Parker to conceal his identity and keep his superhuman senses in check. After he had Doctor Strange make his existence forgotten, Parker chose to ditch the Stark technology of his previous suits for a simpler and more homegrown approach, symbolic of his rebirth as an independent Spider-Man.

Former equipment

  • Stark Spider-Man Suits: Parker was given an upgraded and much more refined suit designed by Tony Stark to better focus his superhuman senses, which also included moving eyepieces that resemble camera shutters to filter out stimuli while in use. After the Stark-made suit was destroyed during the Battle of London, Parker synthesized a new suit using Stark technology which featured upgrades from his previous suit.
    • Utility Belt: The suit has a utility belt seamlessly integrated into it. It contains spare web fluid cartridges for Spider-Man's Web-Shooters.
    • Spider-Drone: The spider emblem on the front of Parker's suit can detach and act as a reconnaissance device. It has a drone mode allowing it to fly onto a target for Parker to follow.
    • GPS Tracking System: In his right Web-Shooter, Parker has access to the suit's GPS tracking system via a holographic display, allowing him to follow his Spider-Drone.
    • Karen: After deactivating the Training Wheels Protocol, Parker's suit now features an A.I. user interface program similar to J.A.R.V.I.S. and F.R.I.D.A.Y. that provides diagnostic and tactical reports.
    • Spider-Signal: A red light emitted from Spider-Man's web-shooters, which Tony Stark added much to Parker's surprise and delight.
    • Spider-Tracer: A small tracker designed by Tony Stark that resembles a spider. Parker planted the tracker on Herman Schultz and used it to track his gang's movements.
  • S.H.I.E.L.D. Stealth Suit: Parker received this outfit while operating in Europe for "Nick Fury". It allowed him to secretly operate as Spider-Man while away from home, and he gained the moniker of "Night Monkey" while he worked with Mysterio to "defeat" the Elementals.
  • Iron Spider Armor: Following his confrontation with Vulture, Tony Stark presented the newly created Iron Spider Armor for Parker to use as the newest member of the Avengers, but Parker declined the offer. After initially rejecting the suit, Parker was ultimately given the armor to help during his pursuit of a Q-Ship over New York City, and later during the Battle of Titan. The suit was composed of nanites, similarly to Tony Stark's latest Iron Man suit, and was able to manifest four armored spider-legs from the rear spider symbol, which granted Spider-Man greater mobility and better grip on his surroundings.
    • Magic Enchanted Web-Shooter: Taking one web-shooter from the Iron Spider Armor, Doctor Strange enchants it with Eldritch Magic so Parker can help him capture "visitors" from alternate realities. Anything that comes into contact with the eldritch magic-infused web will be transported to a cell in the dungeon of the New York Sanctum. It's ineffective against noncorporeal entities, as the eldritch web phased through an Electro in pure energy form and connected with a tree instead. This feature was only temporarily as when Peter and Strange fought over how to do things, Strange took out the magic out of the nano web-shooter.
  • Jester Mask: During the Battle in the Grand Canal, Peter used a jester mask to hide his identity, after he left his suit in his hotel room, in order to help Mysterio battle Hydro-Man.
  • Tony Stark's Glasses: Following the death of Tony Stark, Peter was given the glasses that Tony had previously used. Using these, Peter was given access to E.D.I.T.H., an advanced A.I. designed by Stark, which gave Peter access to all the Stark Industries databases and satellite system. Later on, these were confiscated by the United States Department of Damage Control.
